Friday, July 26, 2013

Fishing & Crabbing at Corson's Inlet

Hey Gang,
From what I understand, the fishing is supposed to be very good
at Corson's Inlet State Park which is right next to Ocean City!
Check them out Corson's Inlet

I plan on buying a few crab traps and did a little research on
crabbing as well. Seems like late summer, early fall is the
best time for crabbing as this is their mating season. From
what I understand, high tide is also the best time and I've
obtained a tide chart for Ocean City too!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Where's those Menus????

Hey Everyone,
Time is creeping up on us and the trip to Ocean City will be here before we know it!
We should start thinking about Breakfast and Dinner Menu's and get them posted!